Paprika Benefits You Need to Know - TRADITIONAL MEDICINE

Friday, May 27, 2016

Paprika Benefits You Need to Know

               Paprika Benefits You Need to Know

   Paprika or which in Latin is called Capsicum annuum is a fruit-producing plants that taste sweet and slightly spicy eggplant-terongan of the tribe or the Solanaceae. Paprika included in the family of vegetables including peppers, paprika not only contains Capsicin, which are substances that cause spicy chili.

    In general, discrete peppers green, yellow, red and orange so it is often used to beautify dishes such as barbeque and a mixed salad. Paprika contains a lot of vitamins and other substances that are beneficial to our body. 

 The most common nutrient content in peppers is carotene, vitamin B and vitamin C. While the green pepper, each 100 grams contains 0.9g protein, 0.3g fat, 4.4g carbohydrates, calcium, 7.0mg, 0.4mg iron, 22mg phosphorus, vitamin A 540 IU, 22.0mg vitamin B1, vitamin B2 0.002mg, 0.4mg nyacin and vitamin C 160mg.

   Some of the health benefits of peppers for our bodies, among which are: 

 1. Prevent Cancer Paprika contains lycopene compound, but in smaller amounts. Lycopene is able to kill cancer cells mouth. Increased intake of lycopene showed a reduced risk of breast cancer, prostate cancer, pancreatic, and colorectal cancer. 

   2. Boost immunity The content of vitamin C in peppers is higher than the content of vitamin C in oranges (30-50 mg per 100 grams). Red peppers contain vitamin C highest of 190 mg per 100 grams. Vitamin C is involved in several important processes of the body, ranging from transporting fat, transporting electrons from various enzymatic reactions, manufacture kalogen (a fibrous protein that forms connective tissue in the bones), hyper healthy gums, maintaining cholesterol levels, maintain immunity, wound healing and improve brain function in order to work optimally.

 3. Good for healthy eyes and skin Peppers that contain vitamin A which is very good for curing sore eyes and prevent eye diseases come again. Eating peppers will also help maintain healthy skin, prevent rashes and acne.

 4. Good for hair Paprika extract is one of the best hair growth as well as foster new hair. Paprika will also help prevent hair damage and help maintain hair remains thick.

 5. Burn calories Eating peppers can help speed up the metabolism and helps burn more calories. Eating peppers can also reduce weight due to the high fat diet. It also causes the secretion of digestive juices and prevent gastrointestinal irritation.

 6. Improve the quality of sperm Lycopene content in peppers was also beneficial to the reproductive system. Eating lycopene, especially in the red peppers, is believed to improve the quality of reproduction. This is because lycopene increases the number of sperm, keeping sperm structure, and increase the motility (movement) of sperm.


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