Pare Fruit Benefits For Health - TRADITIONAL MEDICINE

Monday, May 30, 2016

Pare Fruit Benefits For Health

         Pare Fruit Benefits For Health

It seems many are familiar with the fruit from the vines, called Pare. Pare known to have a bitter taste when young green. Meanwhile, when the trees are ripe, bitter melon fruit changes color to orange and flesh covering its seeds bright red and tasted as sweet as candy. In western countries pare known as bitter gourd or bitter squash, because it is still a family with pumpkin. Although the young pare it was bitter, but not a few who menggemarinya to be eaten as a vegetable. So what benefit is for health pare? ,, Pare has been widely known to have several benefits to help people with diabetes, prevent and reduce the symptoms of cancer, reduce the effects of hemorrhoids, improve respiratory health, improve skin health and boost the immune system. Indeed pare been shown to have an anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, antibiotic, anti-allergenic, antiviral, antiparasitic, and expectorant qualities. For these reasons made pare become the staple food in some cultures around the world.

Perhaps you will soon override the bitter taste of bitter melon fruit after knowing some health benefits. Pare is the bitter fruit that is very nutritious, and even have some health benefits was amazing.

Helps condition Diabetes
Pare is one of the most powerful pieces to keep the disease diabetes mellitus. This is because the content is significant from charntin, namely insulin-like peptides, and alkaloids in bitter melon fruits. All of these components will actively influence to lower blood sugar levels. Pare also helps to prevent insulin spikes decrease by regulating the use of sugar in the body's metabolism that has been obtained from food. NOTE: Due to a strong hypoglycemic, bitter melon may not be used in conjunction with other drugs used to lower blood sugar. This is because it really can cause a lack of blood sugar, and it can be harmful!

Helping people with Hemorrhoids
Several studies have shown that anti-inflammatory properties in bitter melon can help relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids. If you make a paste of the roots of plants pare to be applied topically, then this will help to reduce the inflammation and reduce pain and bleeding in gejaka hemorrhoids. If you drink the juice of bitter melon, you will also get the same benefits, if you can beat the taste of bitter!

Improved Immune System
Pare is also the source of many different antioxidants, that will strengthen the body's defense mechanisms of the disease. Antioxidants eliminate free radicals, or harmful compounds released during the metabolism of cells. With love eating bitter melon, then you would get the chance to defend against serious illnesses such as heart attack, kidney failure, and liver damage associated with free radicals

Cancer prevention
Antioxidants in bitter melon can also help destroy free radicals cause cancer. Pare has been studied and the experts found pare as anti-tumor agents and anti-carcinogenic. Studies have shown a positive correlation between eating pare by preventing or reducing the growth of malignant tumors such as cervical cancer, prostate cancer, and cancer of pay * virgin. This is because pare ability to induce apoptosis (cell death) in cancer cells. However, this study is still underway to find out more about the anti-cancer properties of bitter melon fruit, as well as the types of patients with cancer what can be benefited

Respiratory conditions
ome studies show that about pare pare can help relieve patients with respiratory conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, and fever (rhinitis). The main properties of the substance found in bitter melon as an anti-histamine, suppressants, anti-inflammatory, expectorant and antiviral properties which makes it an ideal driver for respiratory health. It is advisable to eat some fruit pare before bed, so it will provide a calming effect when you're sleeping! 

fungal infections
The properties of antifungal and antibacterial pare making it ideal to fight a wide range of fungal infections, and will help to cleanse the blood of various toxins before making anymore damage. Specifically pare will help heal infections and skin health, such as to treat ringworm and psoriasis. Leaves pare in Juice / extracted could be used as a topical ointment best for infectious conditions.

Security alert!
The chemicals contained in bitter melon fruit is a powerful treatment material, but there are things that need attention as well. Pregnant and menstruating is not recommended to consume pare. Bitter melon fruit can stimulate excessive menstrual bleeding. For breastfeeding women should also avoid eating bitter melon, because the research has not declared about this. So for now, it is best to avoid it. Also (as mentioned earlier) bitter melon has a strong effect on lowering blood sugar levels, which can be dangerous especially just before and after surgery

For those who have symptoms such as anemia, and also include headache, fever, and abdominal pain should not consume bitter melon. Or people who are very sensitive to dehydrogenase deficiency are advised consulting a physician before eating pare.

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