Nutrition Benefits Beyond Onions - TRADITIONAL MEDICINE

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Nutrition Benefits Beyond Onions

         Nutrition Benefits Beyond Onions

Onions is a plant that is commonly used as a spice in cooking. In addition to the delicious aroma, onions also turned out to contain many health benefits.

 Onions are low-calorie foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. One cup of sliced onions contain less than 64 calories. This food also contains 3 grams of fiber, 7 grams sugar, 2 grams protein, and 15 grams of carbohydrates. About 10 percent of the daily requirement of vitamin B6, vitamin C, and manganese can also be obtained from eating onions. In addition, this material also contains magnesium, folate, iron, phosphorus, potassium, antioxidants quercetin, sulfur and calcium.

 Substances contained in onions make these commodities will benefit the body. Some of the claimed benefits of onions are often used as material for various treatment efforts include: digestive problems, dealing with disorders of the heart and blood vessels, preventing hardening of the arteries / atherosclerosis, the role handle sore throat and mouth, such as asthma, bronchitis or whooping cough , as well as to facilitate urination.

 While research on the claims above reveal the following facts:

-    Onions may be effective to remove the scar-like lesions scratches, burns, postoperative wounds, as well as former tattoo removal. If applied during 2-6 months, with the material content of onions which contain allantoin and heparin can help disguise and relieve the pain and itching of the scar. But the results may not be effective if it is only used for 1-2 months in the former operation.

-   Although there is insufficient evidence, the study found that applying onion juice into the head for at least 2 months may be able to promote hair growth in people with alopecia areata or hair loss.

-   Blood sugar levels of people with diabetes can be reduced if add the onions in the food three times a day for two months. But it has not received sufficient evidence.

-   In people with high blood pressure, eating products containing onions and other ingredients such as vitamin E and C for at least 1 week can help lower blood pressure top (systolic), but not diastolic blood pressure (bottom). This statement is also not supported by sufficient medical evidence.

-   Required further research and evidence on the claimed benefits of onions in diseases: asthma, hay fever, bronchitis, cough, abdominal pain, swelling of the mouth and throat, as well as several other conditions. In addition, eating onions also claimed to reduce the risk of some types of cancer. With vitamin C is abundant, onions may be able to help cope with cancer-causing free radicals.

-  Vitamin C in the onion is also good for maintaining healthy skin and hair. While the content of folic possibility can help relieve depression by preventing excess homocysteine is formed in the body. Homocysteine may impede the flow of blood and nutrients to the brain.

-   Although there has been no thorough research, onions are also believed to help bring a positive mood. This is because the content of the onions can prevent excess homocysteine may interfere with hormone production creator of a sense of comfort, namely serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine. The three types of hormones are good to help ensure sufficient rest.

-   Besides consumed, onion extract is also used as a cure when exposed to insect bites. The way is easy, use onion extract topically to the affected skin bites.

Although helpful and is a natural material, but each person has a maximum level for the consumption of onions. Although there is currently no research to establish the levels of safety limits, but it's good for moderation in eating onions

To get the maximum benefit onions, add these ingredients as flavorings dishes taste without adding too many calories, fat and sodium (salt). If an interruption occurs as a result of eating too many onions, suggested immediately consult a doctor.


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