Efficacy Okra for health - TRADITIONAL MEDICINE

Friday, May 27, 2016

Efficacy Okra for health

                       Efficacy Okra for health

 Okra fruit have you know? This time we will discuss about the fruit of okra and okra for health benefits. Okra is a vegetable fruit at the same time is still not popular in Indonesia and for Okra health benefits are numerous, this section will discuss it specifically for you. 
 On another occasion, we discuss how to grow okra in his course hydroponic gardens for self-consumption. Indeed, the popularity Okra is not so popular, but the countries in Central Asia and South Asia, this plant has been so popular and even had a lot of fans. Okra is a vegetable pieces that can be processed into a variety of delicious and nutritious food for health. Plant it was easy to do in a narrow area like grown using hydroponics systems fertigation system.  

  Okra is known in Latin Abelmoschus esculentus, including the genus Hibiscus plants of the family Malvaceae (cotton-Kapasan). This plant is popular with the term Lady's Finger for fruit shape is long and tapered at the edges, like a gracefully tapering fingers of a beautiful woman. 

  Okra originated from the continent of Africa and brought to America around three centuries ago by African slaves. Currently okra plants already known widely in various countries in Asia, Europe, and Australia. Even dishes made from okra is very popular in Sri Lanka, Japan, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia and Europe. In Indonesia okra is not well known, although it turns out this plant has been cultivated since hundreds of years ago.

  Nutritional content and Okra Fruit Benefits 

 Okra is a plant rich in protein and fiber. The content of the oil contained in the seeds of okra by 40%. Okra seed oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids such as oleic acid and linoleic acid. The fruits of okra contains a protein that is 3.9% and 2.05% fat. The energy in the 100 grams of okra 40 kcal. Mineral inside of okra fruit is potassium (6.68%) and phosphorus (0.77%). 

  Okra including green vegetables are rich in dietary fiber. In addition to fiber, okra also contain glutathione. Fiber is very important for the body because it prevents constipation (constipation), obesity, hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol), diabetes (diabetes), and cancers of the colon (large intestine). 

  Dietary fiber is divided into two types: soluble fiber (soluble dietary fiber) and insoluble fiber (insoluble dietary fiber). Soluble fiber (SDF) has the ability hypocholesterolemic or lowering blood cholesterol levels. The mechanism that is, the ability to withstand the reabsorption of bile salts from the intestine into the blood, so a lot of bile salts that are excreted. 

  Disintetis bile salts from cholesterol by the liver. Wastage of bile salts will lower blood cholesterol.

  Insoluble fiber (IDF) The main role of preventing the development of colon cancer. IDF will increase the volume of stool, thus diluting the concentration of the compound karsinogen.Kondisi this will reduce the chance of carcinogenic compounds interact with the intestinal wall, thus minimizing the risk of cancer.

   IDF also lower the transit time of feces in the intestines, so as to facilitate defecation. Fiber fermentation by beneficial intestinal bacteria (lactic acid bacteria) will lower the pH in the colon, which can suppress the development of colon cancer.

 Okra, Efficacious To Prevent Cancer 

 The green color of the vegetables okra, caused by the pigment chlorophyll. Chlorophyll has a million benefit because it is anti-inflammatory, antimutagenic, anticancer, and antioxidant. Most antimutagenic and anticancer, chlorophyll can prevent liver cancer and colon cancer. 

 As an antioxidant, chlorophyll can prevent the oxidation of bad cholesterol by free radicals, resulting in the formation of plaque in blood vessels (atherosclerosis) can be prevented. Chlorophyll can also heal wounds without swelling. 

   Efficacy Okra For Health 

 How to Use Okra To Patient Blood Sugar and Cholesterol 

1.   3 or 4 pieces of okra, sliced ​​thin, soaked in 2 cups of water and add in the refrigerator for approximately three (3) hours. 
2.   The results of this immersion water becomes slimy.
3.    Furthermore, drink water only, either to drink after a meal.
4.     After the water drunk, add 2 cups of water again. 
5.    The results of this second immersion viscous mucus added.
6.     Cool cool taste, for drinks se days 
7.     Okra slices can be marinated up to 3 times. 

     For People with uric acid and cholesterol, After 12 -14 days, check your blood in the lab. If the result is good, doctors may be able to stop medication, use okra as a substitute drug. For men who have diabetes, impotence, drink this Okra immersion up to 1 month, and feel the results.


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