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Monday, May 30, 2016

Benefits of vegetable Col

11:44 PM 0
Benefits of vegetable Col
              Benefits of vegetable Col

KOL / SPROUTS These vegetables are not necessarily familiar to you, kale / cabbage is also often used as vegetables or mix the soup. Plant with the scientific name Brassica oleracea L. has leaves arranged very tightly to form a flat circle or a sphere, called a crop, letterhead or head. Col. including capitata types, namely vegetable that utilizes leaves that form a solid round. Cabbage is a vegetable that comes from Southern Europe and Western Europe. The name "cabbage" is taken from the French language, chou Cabus (literally means "cabbage head"), which was introduced by some Europeans who lived in the Dutch East Indies. The name "cabbage" is taken from the Dutch kool. How to consume cabbage to get better benefits is eaten raw directly. Cabbage is also a diet low in saturated fat, cholesterol and a food source that is rich in fiber and folate. Providing nearly 15 percent of the recommended daily food intake. Fiber is very important to ensure the body's digestive system functioning at optimum levels.

Benefits Kol / Cabbage To Health

1. Caring for the skin
     Cabbage contains many antioxidants are believed to help protect the skin from damage caused by        free radicals. Free radicals have the potential to bring the signs of aging.

2. preventing Constipation
     High fiber content in cabbage serves as a stimulant digestive system and prevent constipation.

3. Preventing cancer is cancer
     Cabbage has some properties that are effective against such cancers as lupeol, sinigrin,                         diindolylmethane (DIM), indole-3-carbinol (I3C), and sulforaphane. Results of a study conducted       on women in China found that eating cabbage will reduce the risk of breast cancer.

4. Boost the immune system
     Cabbage contains Vitamin C that is believed to protect the body from the effects of free radicals           and boost the immune system.

5. Reduce the risk of cataracts
     Beta-carotene which is quite high in cabbage can be useful to reduce a person's risk of cataracts.

6.  Overcoming gastroenteritis
      Cabbage juice is able to overcome the symptoms of gastroenteritis. This is due to the high content       of glutamine in cabbage.

Safe for consumption should be tailored to the needs, not too excessive.
because if excessive food is anything useless and can become toxic to
our bodies.


Pare Fruit Benefits For Health

11:17 PM 2
Pare Fruit Benefits For Health
         Pare Fruit Benefits For Health

It seems many are familiar with the fruit from the vines, called Pare. Pare known to have a bitter taste when young green. Meanwhile, when the trees are ripe, bitter melon fruit changes color to orange and flesh covering its seeds bright red and tasted as sweet as candy. In western countries pare known as bitter gourd or bitter squash, because it is still a family with pumpkin. Although the young pare it was bitter, but not a few who menggemarinya to be eaten as a vegetable. So what benefit is for health pare? ,, Pare has been widely known to have several benefits to help people with diabetes, prevent and reduce the symptoms of cancer, reduce the effects of hemorrhoids, improve respiratory health, improve skin health and boost the immune system. Indeed pare been shown to have an anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, antibiotic, anti-allergenic, antiviral, antiparasitic, and expectorant qualities. For these reasons made pare become the staple food in some cultures around the world.

Perhaps you will soon override the bitter taste of bitter melon fruit after knowing some health benefits. Pare is the bitter fruit that is very nutritious, and even have some health benefits was amazing.

Helps condition Diabetes
Pare is one of the most powerful pieces to keep the disease diabetes mellitus. This is because the content is significant from charntin, namely insulin-like peptides, and alkaloids in bitter melon fruits. All of these components will actively influence to lower blood sugar levels. Pare also helps to prevent insulin spikes decrease by regulating the use of sugar in the body's metabolism that has been obtained from food. NOTE: Due to a strong hypoglycemic, bitter melon may not be used in conjunction with other drugs used to lower blood sugar. This is because it really can cause a lack of blood sugar, and it can be harmful!

Helping people with Hemorrhoids
Several studies have shown that anti-inflammatory properties in bitter melon can help relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids. If you make a paste of the roots of plants pare to be applied topically, then this will help to reduce the inflammation and reduce pain and bleeding in gejaka hemorrhoids. If you drink the juice of bitter melon, you will also get the same benefits, if you can beat the taste of bitter!

Improved Immune System
Pare is also the source of many different antioxidants, that will strengthen the body's defense mechanisms of the disease. Antioxidants eliminate free radicals, or harmful compounds released during the metabolism of cells. With love eating bitter melon, then you would get the chance to defend against serious illnesses such as heart attack, kidney failure, and liver damage associated with free radicals

Cancer prevention
Antioxidants in bitter melon can also help destroy free radicals cause cancer. Pare has been studied and the experts found pare as anti-tumor agents and anti-carcinogenic. Studies have shown a positive correlation between eating pare by preventing or reducing the growth of malignant tumors such as cervical cancer, prostate cancer, and cancer of pay * virgin. This is because pare ability to induce apoptosis (cell death) in cancer cells. However, this study is still underway to find out more about the anti-cancer properties of bitter melon fruit, as well as the types of patients with cancer what can be benefited

Respiratory conditions
ome studies show that about pare pare can help relieve patients with respiratory conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, and fever (rhinitis). The main properties of the substance found in bitter melon as an anti-histamine, suppressants, anti-inflammatory, expectorant and antiviral properties which makes it an ideal driver for respiratory health. It is advisable to eat some fruit pare before bed, so it will provide a calming effect when you're sleeping! 

fungal infections
The properties of antifungal and antibacterial pare making it ideal to fight a wide range of fungal infections, and will help to cleanse the blood of various toxins before making anymore damage. Specifically pare will help heal infections and skin health, such as to treat ringworm and psoriasis. Leaves pare in Juice / extracted could be used as a topical ointment best for infectious conditions.

Security alert!
The chemicals contained in bitter melon fruit is a powerful treatment material, but there are things that need attention as well. Pregnant and menstruating is not recommended to consume pare. Bitter melon fruit can stimulate excessive menstrual bleeding. For breastfeeding women should also avoid eating bitter melon, because the research has not declared about this. So for now, it is best to avoid it. Also (as mentioned earlier) bitter melon has a strong effect on lowering blood sugar levels, which can be dangerous especially just before and after surgery

For those who have symptoms such as anemia, and also include headache, fever, and abdominal pain should not consume bitter melon. Or people who are very sensitive to dehydrogenase deficiency are advised consulting a physician before eating pare.

Thus the first article of mine, may be useful and help distribute them to people you love

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Garlic can be overcome stroke

11:52 PM 0
Garlic can be overcome stroke
             Garlic can be overcome stroke

Treatment for stroke patients should be started as soon as possible. The sooner treatment begins, the greater the permanent damage can be prevented. Effective stroke treatment can prevent long-term disability and even able to save lives. In addition to therapy and medical drugs, many people are also eyeing herbal medicine as an additional stroke pascastroke complementary healing. If you are interested in alternative medicine, there are a few plants that are considered as an herbal remedy stroke.

One study showed that eating fresh garlic or garlic supplements may prevent blood clots and destroy plaque. Plaque and frozen blood plays a role in the occurrence of heart attack and stroke. Other studies have also revealed that eating garlic as a medicinal herb stroke every day can be a triggering factor for widening the walls of blood vessels in ischemic stroke patients. Ischemic stroke occurs because a blood clot in the blood vessels.

Additionally, garlic also indirectly prevent hardening of the arteries. Risk factors for heart disease and stroke such as cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes can be reduced by taking garlic. However, first consult if you want to consume herbal medicine garlic stroke in conjunction with medication for blood thinners, high blood pressure, diabetes, or high cholesterol.

So first natural health information in this article, spread them as much as possible to people - people you love "MAY USEFUL"

Nutrition Benefits Beyond Onions

11:39 PM 1
Nutrition Benefits Beyond Onions
         Nutrition Benefits Beyond Onions

Onions is a plant that is commonly used as a spice in cooking. In addition to the delicious aroma, onions also turned out to contain many health benefits.

 Onions are low-calorie foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. One cup of sliced onions contain less than 64 calories. This food also contains 3 grams of fiber, 7 grams sugar, 2 grams protein, and 15 grams of carbohydrates. About 10 percent of the daily requirement of vitamin B6, vitamin C, and manganese can also be obtained from eating onions. In addition, this material also contains magnesium, folate, iron, phosphorus, potassium, antioxidants quercetin, sulfur and calcium.

 Substances contained in onions make these commodities will benefit the body. Some of the claimed benefits of onions are often used as material for various treatment efforts include: digestive problems, dealing with disorders of the heart and blood vessels, preventing hardening of the arteries / atherosclerosis, the role handle sore throat and mouth, such as asthma, bronchitis or whooping cough , as well as to facilitate urination.

 While research on the claims above reveal the following facts:

-    Onions may be effective to remove the scar-like lesions scratches, burns, postoperative wounds, as well as former tattoo removal. If applied during 2-6 months, with the material content of onions which contain allantoin and heparin can help disguise and relieve the pain and itching of the scar. But the results may not be effective if it is only used for 1-2 months in the former operation.

-   Although there is insufficient evidence, the study found that applying onion juice into the head for at least 2 months may be able to promote hair growth in people with alopecia areata or hair loss.

-   Blood sugar levels of people with diabetes can be reduced if add the onions in the food three times a day for two months. But it has not received sufficient evidence.

-   In people with high blood pressure, eating products containing onions and other ingredients such as vitamin E and C for at least 1 week can help lower blood pressure top (systolic), but not diastolic blood pressure (bottom). This statement is also not supported by sufficient medical evidence.

-   Required further research and evidence on the claimed benefits of onions in diseases: asthma, hay fever, bronchitis, cough, abdominal pain, swelling of the mouth and throat, as well as several other conditions. In addition, eating onions also claimed to reduce the risk of some types of cancer. With vitamin C is abundant, onions may be able to help cope with cancer-causing free radicals.

-  Vitamin C in the onion is also good for maintaining healthy skin and hair. While the content of folic possibility can help relieve depression by preventing excess homocysteine is formed in the body. Homocysteine may impede the flow of blood and nutrients to the brain.

-   Although there has been no thorough research, onions are also believed to help bring a positive mood. This is because the content of the onions can prevent excess homocysteine may interfere with hormone production creator of a sense of comfort, namely serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine. The three types of hormones are good to help ensure sufficient rest.

-   Besides consumed, onion extract is also used as a cure when exposed to insect bites. The way is easy, use onion extract topically to the affected skin bites.

Although helpful and is a natural material, but each person has a maximum level for the consumption of onions. Although there is currently no research to establish the levels of safety limits, but it's good for moderation in eating onions

To get the maximum benefit onions, add these ingredients as flavorings dishes taste without adding too many calories, fat and sodium (salt). If an interruption occurs as a result of eating too many onions, suggested immediately consult a doctor.


Friday, May 27, 2016

Sawi Benefit For Body Health

11:49 PM 0
Sawi Benefit For Body Health

                    Sawi Benefit For Body Health

  Know the benefits of mustard for the health of the body. Green vegetables actually have more vitamin A, carotenoids, vitamin C and flavonoids than commonly consumed fruits and other vegetables. Mustard greens including one of the most nutritious vegetables. Mustard is a repository of phytonutrients that have benefits for health and disease prevention

  Behind shape that looks unusual, it turns mustard has an unexpected health benefits. Mustard incredible benefits to the body. No half-hearted, heart health, immune system, avoid joint pain is a guarantee for people who eat them.

Mustard benefits for health

1. Sawi contains more vitamin C than oranges

One cup of sliced cabbage has 134% of daily vitamin C intake is recommended, while citrus fruit with medium size only has 113% of daily vitamin C needs. Moreover, a cup of mustard weighs only 67 grams, while orange medium size weighs 131 grams, so in other words are cabbage contains vitamin C twice that of an orange.

2. Reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes and improve heart health

Cabbage is a source of alpha-linolenic acid, omega-3 fatty acids are important for brain health, reduce the risk of type two diabetes and to improve heart health.

3. Help fight inflammation and prevent the formation of plaque in arteries

Mustard has many phytonutrients, quercetin which helps fight inflammation and prevent the formation of plaque in the arteries and sulforaphane, the cancer-fighting compounds. But all compounds that are more effective when combined with other foods. Examples include avocado and olive oil.

4. Suitable for diet food

Sawi very low in calories (26 kcal per 100 g raw leaf) and fat, but rich in fiber, recommended in cholesterol control programs and weight reduction.

5. Controlling Cholesterol

Other benefits are mustard on dark-green leaves contain a number of very good fiber, which can help control cholesterol and also protects against hemorrhoids, constipation and colon cancer.

For patients with kidney stones should reduce the consumption of mustard because mustard leaves contained in a substance called oxalate which inhibits the absorption of calcium in the body and lead to stone formation Ginja. Thus the article about the health benefits of mustard for the body which we can pass, may be useful.


Efficacy Okra for health

11:25 PM 0
Efficacy Okra for health

                       Efficacy Okra for health

 Okra fruit have you know? This time we will discuss about the fruit of okra and okra for health benefits. Okra is a vegetable fruit at the same time is still not popular in Indonesia and for Okra health benefits are numerous, this section will discuss it specifically for you. 
 On another occasion, we discuss how to grow okra in his course hydroponic gardens for self-consumption. Indeed, the popularity Okra is not so popular, but the countries in Central Asia and South Asia, this plant has been so popular and even had a lot of fans. Okra is a vegetable pieces that can be processed into a variety of delicious and nutritious food for health. Plant it was easy to do in a narrow area like grown using hydroponics systems fertigation system.  

  Okra is known in Latin Abelmoschus esculentus, including the genus Hibiscus plants of the family Malvaceae (cotton-Kapasan). This plant is popular with the term Lady's Finger for fruit shape is long and tapered at the edges, like a gracefully tapering fingers of a beautiful woman. 

  Okra originated from the continent of Africa and brought to America around three centuries ago by African slaves. Currently okra plants already known widely in various countries in Asia, Europe, and Australia. Even dishes made from okra is very popular in Sri Lanka, Japan, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia and Europe. In Indonesia okra is not well known, although it turns out this plant has been cultivated since hundreds of years ago.

  Nutritional content and Okra Fruit Benefits 

 Okra is a plant rich in protein and fiber. The content of the oil contained in the seeds of okra by 40%. Okra seed oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids such as oleic acid and linoleic acid. The fruits of okra contains a protein that is 3.9% and 2.05% fat. The energy in the 100 grams of okra 40 kcal. Mineral inside of okra fruit is potassium (6.68%) and phosphorus (0.77%). 

  Okra including green vegetables are rich in dietary fiber. In addition to fiber, okra also contain glutathione. Fiber is very important for the body because it prevents constipation (constipation), obesity, hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol), diabetes (diabetes), and cancers of the colon (large intestine). 

  Dietary fiber is divided into two types: soluble fiber (soluble dietary fiber) and insoluble fiber (insoluble dietary fiber). Soluble fiber (SDF) has the ability hypocholesterolemic or lowering blood cholesterol levels. The mechanism that is, the ability to withstand the reabsorption of bile salts from the intestine into the blood, so a lot of bile salts that are excreted. 

  Disintetis bile salts from cholesterol by the liver. Wastage of bile salts will lower blood cholesterol.

  Insoluble fiber (IDF) The main role of preventing the development of colon cancer. IDF will increase the volume of stool, thus diluting the concentration of the compound karsinogen.Kondisi this will reduce the chance of carcinogenic compounds interact with the intestinal wall, thus minimizing the risk of cancer.

   IDF also lower the transit time of feces in the intestines, so as to facilitate defecation. Fiber fermentation by beneficial intestinal bacteria (lactic acid bacteria) will lower the pH in the colon, which can suppress the development of colon cancer.

 Okra, Efficacious To Prevent Cancer 

 The green color of the vegetables okra, caused by the pigment chlorophyll. Chlorophyll has a million benefit because it is anti-inflammatory, antimutagenic, anticancer, and antioxidant. Most antimutagenic and anticancer, chlorophyll can prevent liver cancer and colon cancer. 

 As an antioxidant, chlorophyll can prevent the oxidation of bad cholesterol by free radicals, resulting in the formation of plaque in blood vessels (atherosclerosis) can be prevented. Chlorophyll can also heal wounds without swelling. 

   Efficacy Okra For Health 

 How to Use Okra To Patient Blood Sugar and Cholesterol 

1.   3 or 4 pieces of okra, sliced ​​thin, soaked in 2 cups of water and add in the refrigerator for approximately three (3) hours. 
2.   The results of this immersion water becomes slimy.
3.    Furthermore, drink water only, either to drink after a meal.
4.     After the water drunk, add 2 cups of water again. 
5.    The results of this second immersion viscous mucus added.
6.     Cool cool taste, for drinks se days 
7.     Okra slices can be marinated up to 3 times. 

     For People with uric acid and cholesterol, After 12 -14 days, check your blood in the lab. If the result is good, doctors may be able to stop medication, use okra as a substitute drug. For men who have diabetes, impotence, drink this Okra immersion up to 1 month, and feel the results.


Paprika Benefits You Need to Know

10:53 PM 0
Paprika Benefits You Need to Know

               Paprika Benefits You Need to Know

   Paprika or which in Latin is called Capsicum annuum is a fruit-producing plants that taste sweet and slightly spicy eggplant-terongan of the tribe or the Solanaceae. Paprika included in the family of vegetables including peppers, paprika not only contains Capsicin, which are substances that cause spicy chili.

    In general, discrete peppers green, yellow, red and orange so it is often used to beautify dishes such as barbeque and a mixed salad. Paprika contains a lot of vitamins and other substances that are beneficial to our body. 

 The most common nutrient content in peppers is carotene, vitamin B and vitamin C. While the green pepper, each 100 grams contains 0.9g protein, 0.3g fat, 4.4g carbohydrates, calcium, 7.0mg, 0.4mg iron, 22mg phosphorus, vitamin A 540 IU, 22.0mg vitamin B1, vitamin B2 0.002mg, 0.4mg nyacin and vitamin C 160mg.

   Some of the health benefits of peppers for our bodies, among which are: 

 1. Prevent Cancer Paprika contains lycopene compound, but in smaller amounts. Lycopene is able to kill cancer cells mouth. Increased intake of lycopene showed a reduced risk of breast cancer, prostate cancer, pancreatic, and colorectal cancer. 

   2. Boost immunity The content of vitamin C in peppers is higher than the content of vitamin C in oranges (30-50 mg per 100 grams). Red peppers contain vitamin C highest of 190 mg per 100 grams. Vitamin C is involved in several important processes of the body, ranging from transporting fat, transporting electrons from various enzymatic reactions, manufacture kalogen (a fibrous protein that forms connective tissue in the bones), hyper healthy gums, maintaining cholesterol levels, maintain immunity, wound healing and improve brain function in order to work optimally.

 3. Good for healthy eyes and skin Peppers that contain vitamin A which is very good for curing sore eyes and prevent eye diseases come again. Eating peppers will also help maintain healthy skin, prevent rashes and acne.

 4. Good for hair Paprika extract is one of the best hair growth as well as foster new hair. Paprika will also help prevent hair damage and help maintain hair remains thick.

 5. Burn calories Eating peppers can help speed up the metabolism and helps burn more calories. Eating peppers can also reduce weight due to the high fat diet. It also causes the secretion of digestive juices and prevent gastrointestinal irritation.

 6. Improve the quality of sperm Lycopene content in peppers was also beneficial to the reproductive system. Eating lycopene, especially in the red peppers, is believed to improve the quality of reproduction. This is because lycopene increases the number of sperm, keeping sperm structure, and increase the motility (movement) of sperm.